Specifically made for helping and relieving certain cancers and health issues.
Our 50ml Shroom Detox Dragon® Cream, the second in our range of targeting creams to go along with our tea. Certain specific fungi of the mushroom world have wonderful properties that can help with stress, everyday life and more importantly cancer problems. Reishi can help with the body’s immune system and also help in fighting shingles attacks. Chaga has been found to reduce liver tumours, Maitake mushrooms went through trials in the 1990s and proved to help with lung, liver and breast cancers as well as reducing the side effects of chemotherapy. Another 2 in our blend are Lions Mane and Cordeceps that can help stop the spread of certain cancers without interfering with good cells. The list goes on and on.
Blended with natural plants and essential oil, the Shroom addition is formulated to give yet another Dragon® blend of Detoxifying creams. It has a fragrance of aniseed from the addition of Star Anise. A few studies indicate that Star Anise is capable of reducing oxidative stress and also the risk of tumours. This herb has also been found to boost the levels of certain enzymes that are known for their role in cancer prevention.
The Shroom cream along with our Shroom tea would ideally go together to give the best possible help in detoxing cancer and other health issues. It’s nature’s way of helping us get through life .. there is always room in our lives for Shroom 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄 🍄
1 review for Dragon® Cream (Shroom Detox)