Dragon® Soursop Cream




Dragon® SOURSOP Detoxifying Cream is our new range of Dragon® Creams. It’s specifically made for helping the detoxing of certain cancers. The toxins that humans put into their bodies throughout life can cause many DNA and cell abnormalities. We are creating our SPECIAL range of Dragon® Creams to help target those toxins that life throws at us. That goes from skin cancer to cancerous cysts and internal problems, with the help of our targeting tea blends, together they go that one step further. Not just curing the problem but to help prevent that problem returning.

This new cream is the first in our range and could help with certain breast cancers and prostate cancer as well as rheumatism pains and infections from viruses and parasites.

Not much research is ever done on these plants and herbs but certain cultures throughout history have been using them for centuries. Large pharmaceutical companies would rather push chemical and radiation into the body that can cause more distress and problems. Our aim is to use the most natural ways possible with natural plants, herbs and a selection of the very best essential oils that are available today.

SOURSOP: derived from the Graviola fruit. Native to Africa, South America and S. East Asia.

This was taken from an online page about cancer. This message could just be the start: “A 2018 review found that Graviola can be used as a chemo preventive agent. It has also been found to be effective against many cancers”.

Ingredients: sodium tetraborate decahydrate, soursop powder, sweet almond oil, coconut oil,cocao butter, beeswax, full spectrum CBD oil, calendula oil, St John wort oil, frankincense oil, lemon oil. Preservative Eco.



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